The Team

The scientific direction of the program is provided by Julia Baum. Three co-principal investigators and seventeen collaborators from across the country are contributing to this national natural ocean climate solutions research effort. The project brings together a consortium of eight universities, three government agencies, and four eNGOs.

Academic Investigators

Dr. Julia K. Baum - PI
Dept. of Biology
U. of Victoria

Dr. Mary O’Connor - Co-PI
Dept. of Zoology
Biodiversity Research Centre
U. of British Columbia

Dr. Sara Knox- Co-PI
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Geography
U. of British Columbia

Dr. Phil Archambault- Co-PI
Professor; Co-Scientific Director of ArcticNet
Dépt. de Biologie
U. Laval (Québec)

Post-Doctoral Fellows, Students, and Research Tech

Dr. Jennifer McHenry
PDF Fellow (UVic)

  • Jennifer (she/her) joined the project as our Ocean Climate Solutions postdoctoral fellow in 2022. Her postdoctoral research examines the potential for blue carbon ecosystems (BCEs) in Canada, including eelgrasses, tidal marshes, and potentially kelp forests, to provide ocean climate solutions, recognizing that BCEs are facing substantial redistribution and decline due to climate change. Collaborating with project team members and seaweed experts across Canada, she is conducting a rapid first assessment of the carbon sequestration capacity of Canada’s expansive kelp forests. She is also overseeing and coordinating the habitat distribution modeling and data collation efforts for eelgrasses and salt marshes, working towards a national assessment of the current and future climate change mitigation capacity of Canada’s BCEs. Previously, Jennifer earned a dual MSc degree in Marine Biology and Marine Policy from the University of Maine, followed by a PhD in Geography from Florida State University in 2022. Her broader research seeks to understand the spatial ecology and climate change vulnerability of nearshore ecosystems and the role that marine conservation and restoration can play in securing sustainable outcomes for nature and people.

Dr. Graham Epstein
PDF Fellow (UVic)

  • Graham joined the lab in the summer 2022 as a Climate Solutions Postdoctoral Fellow. He is working on the quantification, management and conservation of carbon stores found in Canada’s seabed sediments, with a particular focus on fisheries management and marine protected areas. Prior to this role he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the University of Exeter and Blue Marine Foundation investigating the blue carbon potential of marine conservation and restoration projects in the UK, with a focus on seabed sediments, kelp and salt marsh habitats. He also has experience working in statutory conservation on the designation, monitoring and management of MPAs in Scotland; and previously spent a year working in the Dutch Caribbean on coral reef ecology. He holds a PhD from the Marine Biological Association and University of Southampton where he investigated the ecology, impacts and management feasibility of an invasive kelp in the UK.

Dr. Dipti Hingmire
PDF Fellow (UVic)

  • Perpetually intrigued by complexities of climate interactions, Dipti likes to be called a climate learner. Last year she completed her PhD from the Centre for Climate Change Research, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India. During her PhD she studied the large-scale dynamical aspects of fog over the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India and future projections of the fog using CMIP6 simulations. Her research interest lies in climate dynamics and variability, particularly the role of large-scale circulation patterns and teleconnections in modulating regional climate and extreme weather events. She also worked on numerical simulations of low clouds in the Southern Indian Ocean and the fog over IGP region using The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. Currently she is working in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria as post-doctoral fellow, on designing AI methods for optimal MCB interventions.

Ashley Park
PhD Student (UBC)
Supervised by Dr. O’Connor
Research Biologist, DFO

  • Ashley earned her Bachelor's degree in Biology/Environmental Studies from the University of Victoria in 2007, followed by a Master's degree in Environmental Studies in 2013. Ashley started pursuing a Ph.D. in Zoology at the University of British Columbia in September 2023. As a researcher on the project Ashley is modelling the distribution of seagrass and wetland ecosystems nationwide and making projections of how these distributions may change in future climates and under different management and development scenarios. Prior to starting her PhD Ashley established herself as a biologist in both the environmental services consulting industry and government. She has lead studies that have included monitoring, mapping, modelling, and restoration of nearshore rocky and soft shore systems. Most recently, working for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ashley developed nearshore species distribution models and other innovative tools to support federal oil spill response strategies and marine spatial planning initiatives. Ashley is also an active scientific diver and drone pilot, reveling in collecting data from various scales and perspectives.

Matt Csordas
PhD Candidate (UVic)
Supervised by Dr. Baum

  • Matt completed his Bachelor of Engineering and Biosciences in Chemical and Bioengineering at McMaster University in 2020, during which he developed strong quantitative, statistical, and programming/modeling skills. Matt started in the lab as a NSERC-supported masters student and September 2022 rolled up to a doctoral program supported by a Mitacs Accelerate Internship. His research focuses on the distribution of kelp species and ecosystems, how this is influenced by different abiotic and biotic factors at multiple scales, and how these distributions may change as climate change progresses. During summer 2022, Matt led a Vancouver Island wide field project funded through the BC Parks Living Labs Program collecting benthic video transects within the “kelp zone” using an underwater remote operated vehicle. Data from this field season will be instrumental in developing his kelp species distribution models for BC. Through his thesis Matt will be contributing to the larger Baum lab project focussed on assessing blue carbon ecosystems in Canada.

Marcel Velásquez
PhD Candidate (U. Laval)
Supervised by Dr. Archambault & Dr. Filbee-Dexter

  • Marcel is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from Universidad de Oriente in 2012. He also holds an MSc degree in Comparative Biology from Universidade de Sao Paulo and another MSc degree in Biology from Université Laval. Currently, he is a PhD student in Oceanography at Université Laval. Since 2012, he has been actively working on different research projects at different institutions around the world, gaining skills across traditional taxonomy, marine ecology, developmental biology, ecophysiology, and landscape genomics, all of these focused on marine invertebrates. He is also a scientific diver with experience in tropical and polar waters. Currently, as PhD student, his interest is focused on understanding the driving factors (biotic and abiotic) which influence the carbon sequestration potential of Arctic kelps using big data and species distribution modeling algorithms.

Vanessa Valenti
MSc Candidate (UBC)
Supervised by Dr. Knox

  • Vanessa earned a Bachelor’s degree in Geography/Environmental Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2019. Before joining UBC Geography as a MSc student, Vanessa worked as a scientific programmer at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, providing visualization and computation support to earth system and atmosphere climate models. Vanessa is broadly interested in modeling land-atmosphere exchanges, estimating carbon storage and projecting responses of wetland ecosystems to climate change.

Research Technician

Lauren Shea
Research Technician

  • Lauren joined the team in September 2024 and will be assisting the post-docs and students with data collection and processing. She completed her MSc at the University of British Columbia in fisheries economics, where she investigated management issues at the intersection of fisheries and aquaculture. Before graduate school, Lauren lived and worked full-time aboard sailing vessels, managing sailing and diving expeditions to remote locations around the world and teaching semester-abroad programs to university students.


Dr. Julia Jeworrek
Kelp Halocarbon Post-doctoral Fellow
Current Position: Researcher at Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma)

Dr. Ryan Arta
ROMS Post-doctoral Fellow

Academic Collaborators

Dr. Karen Filbee-Dexter
DECRA fellow
Univ. of Western Australia
Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Adjunct Professor, Université Laval

Dr. Parker MacCready
Leo Maddox Endowed Professor
Dept. of Oceanography
University of Washington

Dr. Heike Lotze
Distinguished Research Professor
Dept. of Biology
Dalhousie University

Dr. Anna Metaxas
Dept. of Oceanography and Biology
Dalhousie University

Dr. Sam Starko
Forrest Research Fellow
School of Biological Sciences
Univ. of Western Australia


Dr. Susanna Fuller
VP Operations and Projects
Oceans North

Dr. Chris Neufeld
Adjunct Professor

Dr. Melisa Wong
Research Scientist
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Dr. Jordy Thomson
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Dr. Kira Krumhansl
Aquatic Science Biologist
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Jessica Finney
Program head
Habitat Mapping
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Marie-Claude LaMarche
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Dr. Jasmin Schuster
Program Director
The Kelp Rescue Initiative (BMSC)

Dr. Emily Rubidge
Research Scientist
Ecosystem Sciences Division
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Dr. Karen Hunter
Head, Climate Response Program
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Dr. Gisele Magnusson
Senior Economist
Regulatory and International Economics
Economics, Statistics & Data Governance
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Zeba Ali
Economics, Statistics & Data Governance Directorate
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Dr. Marlow Pellatt
Ecosystem Scientist
Parks Canada
Adjunct Professor
School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University

Dr. Jenn Burt
British Columbia Marine Program Lead
Nature United

Dr. Stephen Ban
Protected Areas Ecologist
BC Parks

Thomas Reid
Program Manager
West Coast Conservation Land Management Program, Nature Trust of BC

Credits: Video header (Brian Timmer); Icons (Icons8); Kelp photo (Kevin Bruce)